Part of your world a twisted tale
Part of your world a twisted tale

part of your world a twisted tale

The twist being that Ariel never defeated Ursula. Part of Your World, of course, covers The Little Mermaid. I’ve noted that the books often point out flaws, such as how ridiculous it was to fall in love in a really short space of time. Where the others utterly change the ending of the film, Reflection slipped in a new story between the events on the mountain and arriving at the Emperors palace, meaning that the ending of the story would have actually happened the same. They really are twisted versions, completely removing the perfect Disney element of a story. It seemed to move slowly but was interesting. A Whole New World felt like hard work, then Once Upon a Dream was the same. As Old as Time was the first I ever read and found fairly enjoyable, though it was a strange new experience.


My own relationship with the series has been mixed. Disney own the rights and commission writers for each book. This is the fifth book in the series, but only the fourth written by Liz Braswell, as Reflection, a retelling of Mulan, was written by Elizabeth Lim. The Twisted Tales books are not linked into one another, so it doesn’t matter what order you read them in.

part of your world a twisted tale

Each book takes the title of a song in the film it is retelling and which is relevant to the Twisted Tale. Lets recap a few background details: The Twisted Tales are a set of books retelling the plots of Disney films had certain things happened differently.

Part of your world a twisted tale