You could also go into the same folder and into the $PLUGINSDIR folder and delete both the apnstub exe and the apntoolbarinstaller exe just to further prevent any trickery. Now this will extract the contents of the imgburn exe to a folder,now you can open that folder and start imiage burn just by clicking the imgburn exe.The programme will start straight up into image burn without you being bugged for installing the ASK toolbar data miner ,as this method bypasses all the guff.
Based on an extremely fast image processing engine, this award-winning software has a bare minimum of controls and will help you with the most typical photo and image-related tasks. It is a built-in iso image burner free with Microsoft Windows 7. The ASK tool bar INI file is set to 1 (yes please)as standard ,as if you and everyone would always give consent from the beginning without being asked.(which is nonsense behaviour of advertisers and all the other companies that want to mine data ,otherwise they would not get many people wanting their crap added extra's installed )Īn easy way to bypass the ASK.com data miner from going anywhere !Just download 7zip and when it's installed (7zip) just right click the setupimg exe and choose 7-zip ,then choose extract to "setupimgburn" Image Tuner is a batch image resizing, renaming, conversion and watermarking software with a super-intuitive and straightforward interface. iso images to a writable CD or to a writable DVD media. Still a good piece of software,except for the added ASK TOOLBAR! Well deserved five stars! I'll give it 10 stars when they resolve the drag and drop crashes! :) All you need to make it work is actually just the main exe file and nothing else.
)Īlso, I find it so convenient that I can install it so easily and burn CD/DVDs in a matter of seconds! Just use 7-zip to unpack it. I still give it 5 stars for reliability when you press the "burn button". :-/ So sometimes, when I have a bigger "build" to make, I save the project after every drag and drop addition. So you have to "build" the project all over again.

It just goes "poof" and gives me the "application crashed" screen. However, there is still a very annoying bug that makes it crash, and it happens *quite often* when I'm in a "Build" mode and dragging files from the Explorer into it. CDBurnerXP Multiple-purpose disc burner to easily create and burn ISO image files.

PowerISO All-in-one solution to deal with all types of image files more than burning ISO. ISOBurn A tiny and dedicated ISO to disc converter. ) In I don't really know how many years, the program itself never failed me. ImgBurn Versatile ISO burning application coming with more advanced features. The only time, so far, that it failed to burn a DVD, was when my burner went to burner holy land. It's VERY reliable regarding burning CD/DVDs. I love this program and use it for years now.